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Jenkins and TestRail Integration Guide

Why you need Pangolin

In many organizations, Jenkins is used to build software, run unit tests, and run various kinds of testing frameworks. Example: Selenium, JUnit, Pytest, TestNG, Visual Studio Test, etc. These test metrics are very important and should be reflected in TestRail to show the true health of any project. Agiletestware Pangolin TestRail Connector plugin for Jenkins allows users to integrate any testing framework with TestRail without making any code changes or writing custom tools.

Integrating of Jenkins and TestRail is very easy and requires user to install Pangolin TestRail Connector plugin from Jenkins repository and do a simple configuration

- Prerequisites

  • Pangolin Server must be installed and accessible from Jenkins host

- Installation of plugin

Agiletestware Pangolin Connector For TestRail Jenkins plugin can be installed via the Jenkins update center:

  • Navigate to "Jenkins" -> "Plugin Manager" -> "Available"
  • Select "Agiletestware Pangolin Connector For TestRail" plugin and click on "Download now and install after restart" button
  • Restart Jenkins server

Pangolin Installation

- Configuration of plugin

Plugin configuration consists of two parts:

- Global settings configuration

Pangolin global configurations are accessible on "Mange Jenkins" - "Configure System" screen:

Pangolin Global Configuration

Field Name Description
Pangolin URL URL for Pangolin server. Example: http://some-server:8888
TestRail URL URL for your TestRail instance. Example: https://testrail:8080
TestRail User Name of user in TestRail
TestRail Password Password for TestRail user
Upload Timeout The number of minutes to wait for the Pangolin server to process the request. 0 means wait indefinitely

When all fields are set, please click on "Save Configuration" button - Pangolin will check availability of entered URLs and encrypt your password.

- Uploading test results into TestRail

- "Pangolin: Upload test results into TestRail" post-build action configuration

To upload test results into TestRail, a new "Pangolin: Upload test results into TestRail" post-build action has to be added:


A few additional configuration fields can be accessed by clicking on "Advanced" button:


Field Name (pipeline property) Required Description
Project (testRailProject) Yes The name of project in TestRail to which results should be exported
TestRail User (testRailUserName) No If specified, overrides TestRail user name defined in Global Configuration
TestRail Password (testRailPassword) No If specified, overrides TestRail user password defined in Global Configuration
TestPath (testPath) Yes Path to where Pangolin should test definitions, must contain suite name in the beginning (for single-suite project, suite name is always 'Master'), e.g. Master\Section1\Section2
Format (format) Yes Format of test results generated during the build. Available values: junit, nunit, testng, trx
Results File Pattern (resultPattern) Yes Provide path to the report file(s) generated during the build. This is a comma separated list of test result directories. You can also use Ant style patterns such as **/surefire-reports/*.xml
Test Run (testRun) No Name of test run in TestRail to which test results will be added
Test Plan (testPlan) No Name of test plan in TestRail to which test results will be added
Milestone Path (milestonePath) No Path to a milestone in TestRail to which test run/plan will be added. E.g. Milestone1\Milestone2
Case Fields (customProperties) No Values for case fields in TestRail can be specified in this field. The format is [TestRail field system name]=[value 1] and each field name\value pair should start with the new line. E.g.: custom_user_field1=foo
Result Fields No Values for result fields in TestRail can be specified in this field. The format is [TestRail field system name]=[value 1] and each field name\value pair should start with the new line. E.g.: custom_user_field1=foo
Configuration names No Configuration names in TestRail in format: [Config group name]\[Config name], e.g. Operating Systems\Linux. Each configuration name must start with the new line
Fail build if upload unsuccessful (failIfUploadFailed) N/A If checked, the build will be marked as failed if for any reason the plugin was not able to upload the results. This could be due to Pangolin server issues, TestRail server issues, network issues, etc.
Close Run N/A If checked, Pangolin will close the test run in TestRail and archive its tests and results
Test Name to ID Mappings No This field contains mappings between test result and an existing test in TestRail. See details below
Disable Grouping N/A If checked, Pangolin will ignore structure in report files and upload all test cases into one Section, defined by the Test Path parameter.

Several configuration can be specified

To add more than one upload configuration, just click on "Add More" button.

- "Pangolin: Upload test results into TestRail" pipeline configuration

Here is an example of pipeline configuration for exporting test results to TestRail:

     testRailProject: 'project',
     testRailUserName: 'user',
     testRailPassword: 'encrypted password',
         testPath: 'Master\\Section1\\Section2',
         format: 'JUNIT',
         testRun:'test run',
         testPlan:'test plan',
         customProperties:'''custom_required_field=Pipelines 2
          customResultFields: '''version=1
          configurationNames: '''Operating Systems\\Linux
         failIfUploadFailed: true,
         closeRun: true,
         customResultFields: 'version=1, elapsed=5s, custom_result_field=Some value',
         disableGrouping: true

TestRail password must be encrypted

When pipeline script is used, value for testRailPassword must be encrypted. Password can be encrypted by navigating to Pangolin Server GUI page (http://pangolinUrl) and clicking to Password Encryption link.

- Execution

Once the job is configured, simply run the job. Here is Jenkins job output example:



And results in TestRail:

Test Cases:

Execution Results

Test Plan and Test Run:

Execution Results

Execution Results

Created Milestones hierarchy:

Execution Results

- Mapping test results into existing Test Cases in TestRail

Sometimes there is a need to map e.g. JUnit test results into Test Cases which already exists in TestRail.
To address this scenario Pangolin plugin offers "Test Name to ID Mappings" configuration fields which is accessible by clicking "Advanced" button:

Advanced Configuration

Advanced Configuration

The only way to identify test result in test report is to use fully qualified name of a corresponding test method, e.g. if you have the following class:

public class LoginFormTest {

    public void loginCorrectCredentials() {
        System.out.println("login with correct credentials");

    public void loginErrorIncorrectPassword() {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception");


and want to map result of loginCorrectCredentials method to Test Case with ID 42, then use the following mapping string:


- Running TestRail report (since Pangolin Server 3.0)

- "Pangolin: Run TestRail report" post-build action configuration

To run report in TestRail, a new "Pangolin: Run TestRail report" post-build action has to be added:


Field Name (pipeline property) Required Description
Project (testRailProject) Yes The name of project in TestRail to which results should be exported
TestRail User (testRailUserName) No If specified, overrides TestRail user name defined in Global Configuration
TestRail Password (testRailPassword) No If specified, overrides TestRail user password defined in Global Configuration
reportTemplateIds Yes A list of report template names or IDs to run. Each template name or ID should start with new line.

- "Pangolin: Run TestRail report" pipeline configuration

Here is an example of pipeline configuration for running a report in TestRail:

TestRail password must be encrypted

When pipeline script is used, value for testRailPassword must be encrypted. Password can be encrypted by navigating to Pangolin Server GUI page (http://pangolinUrl) and clicking to Password Encryption link.

   reportTemplateIds: 'Activity Summary (Cases) %date%', 
   testRailUserName: 'user',
   testRailPassword: 'encrypted_password', 
   testRailProject: 'Pangolin Demo'

- Execution

Once the job is configured, simply run the job. Here is Jenkins job output example:


When report is triggered, a link to a report is attached to the build page in Jenkins:
