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POST /pangolin/api/v1/test_results


This API method provides the way for uploading test results into TestRail


Method: POST

Content-Type: multipart/form-data

Accept: application/json

JSON structure

The method takes JSON document containing results as the body part with name config. JSON document contains the following fields:

Name Type Description
url String TestRail server URL
user String User name for TestRail
password String Encrypted password for TestRail user. To encrypt password, navigate to http://pangolinUrl/pangolin/password
project String The name of a TestRail project
reportFormat String Must always have value: custom
testRun String Optional. Name of a test run to which results must be assigned. If run with such name does not exist it will be created
testPlan String Optional. Name of a test plan to which results must be assigned. If plan with such name does not exist it will be created
milestonePath String Optional. Path to milestone to which results must be assigned. e.g. Milestone1\Milestone2. If milestones do not exist, they will be created
runId Int Optional. Id of a test run to which results must be assigned.
customFields String Optional. Values for custom case fields in TestRail. The format is [TestRail field system name]=[value 1], [TestRail field system name]=[value 2]... E.g.: custom_user_field1=foo, custom_user_field2=bar
suites Array An array of suites object (see below)


suites array contains a real structure to be uploaded into TestRail:

Name Type Description
name String Name of a test suite in TestRail. Use Master if you have a single test suite project
sections Array Array of section objects (see below)
testRun String Optional. Name of a test run to which results must be assigned. If run with such name does not exist it will be created
testPlan String Optional. Name of a test plan to which results must be assigned. If plan with such name does not exist it will be created
milestonePath String Optional. Path to milestone to which results must be assigned. e.g. Milestone1\Milestone2. If milestones do not exist, they will be created
runId Int Optional. Id of a test run to which results must be assigned.


sections array contains information about sections to be uploaded into TestRail:

Name Type Description
name String Name of a section in TestRail
sections Array Array of child section objects
cases Array Array of child case objects (see below)

If section hierarchy does not exist in TestRail project, it will be created automatically.


cases array contains information about test cases to be uploaded into TestRail:

Name Type Description
name String Name of a test case
status String Execution status for test case: PASSED, FAILED, UNTESTED
steps Array Array of test steps objects (see below)
fields Array Array of custom case field name/value pairs, e.g. "custom_case_field" : "some value"


steps array contains information about test steps

Name Type Description
content String Value for content field in TestRail
expected String Optional. Value for expected field in TestRail
actual String Optional. Value for actual field in TestRail
status String Execution status for test step: PASSED, FAILED, UNTESTED


  "url": "https://testrailUrl",
  "user": "user",
  "password": "cOv8VAZhdLwML3kESv+nNQxHp7rhEmHd",
  "project": "Pangolin Demo",
  "milestonePath": "Milestone1\\Milestone2",    
  "reportFormat": "custom",  
  "testPlan": "Test Plan",
  "testRun": "Test Run",
  "suites": [
      "name": "Master",      
      "testPlan": "Overriding Test Plan",
      "testRun": "Overriding Test Run",
      "milestonePath": "Milestone3\\Milestone4",
      "sections": [
          "name": "Section1",                   
          "sections": [
                "name": "SubSection1",
                "cases": [
                  "fields": {
                      "custom_required_field":"Something for required field",
                      "custom_optional_field":"Something for optional field"
                  "name": "Test Case 1",
                  "status": "PASSED",
                  "steps": [
                      "content": "Step 1",
                      "actual": "Actual 1",                   
                      "expected": "Expected 1",
                      "status": "PASSED"
                      "content": "Step 2",
                      "actual": "Actual 2",                   
                      "expected": "Expected 2",
                      "status": "PASSED"
                  "fields": {
                      "custom_required_field":"Something for required field",
                      "custom_optional_field":"Something for optional field"
                  "name": "Test Case 2",
                  "status": "FAILED",
                  "steps": [
                      "content": "Step 1",
                      "actual": "Actual 1",                   
                      "expected": "Expected 1",
                      "status": "FAILED"
                      "content": "Step 2",
                      "actual": "Actual 2",                   
                      "expected": "Expected 2",
                      "status": "PASSED"

Response example:

    "message": "OK",
    "properties": {},
    "runs": [
            "id": 1705,
            "url": "https://testrailUrl/index.php?/runs/view/1705"

Results in TestRail:

Execution Results

Execution Results

Execution Results

Execution Results