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Configure Pangolin Server Security

Pangolin provides a basic security for preventing unauthorized access to some configuration pages, so once user tries to access secured page it will be redirected to the login page:


  • Default user name: admin
  • Password: admin

User management

To manage users, navigate to Settings -> Users:

User management

There are several buttons available:

  • Add new user - adds new user
  • Delete - deletes a user
  • Change password - changes password. Available only for current user.

Setting up secure connection to Pangolin Server

Here are the steps to setup a secure connection (HTTPS) to your Pangolin Server:

  • Generate or purchase an SSL/TLS certificate and generate a Java keystore of PKCS12 type (
  • Put your keystore file (e.g. keystoreFile.pfx) into Pangolin Server installation directory (on Windows, it is usually C:\Program Files\pangolin)
  • Create a new application.yml file in Pangolin Server installation directory
  • Add the following configuration into newly created application.yml
  port: 8443
    key-store: keystoreFile.pfx
    key-store-password: keystorePassword
    keyStoreType: PKCS12

, where keystoreFile.pfx is the name of your keystore file, keystorePassword password for your keystore

  • Windows: Restart Pangolin TestRail Integration Service
  • Linux: Navigate to Pangolin Server installation directory and run sudo ./ and sudo ./